Efficient cuttings propagation production of superior Eucalyptus clones selected by tree breeding program for the last 20 years.
KTH has two nurseries with a size 100,000 m2 and produces more than 20 million seedlings per year. We are testing a new nursery system to produce high-quality seedlings, andtheHedge Orchard is moving from outdoor to indoor to increase rooting rate and work efficiency. We contribute to the local economy through the employment of local residents.
Seedling production process (cuttings propagation)
The first stage of the work in the Nursery takes place in the Hedge orchard (Clone garden). Here we find the mini-scions that are obtained from the sprouts of the superior mother tree. This material is put into a container filled with organic substrate.
Rooting takes place in the Propagation House〔PH〕, where the mini-scions are kept for a period of about 14 days. Then the material passes a period of 7 days through the Shading Area〔SA〕. Then, uniform seedlings with good rooting are selected and moved to the next step.
The next 45 days they go through the growth and hardening stage at the Open Area〔OA〕. After that, they are taken to the Waiting Nursery, which is the last stage before the seedlings are shipped to be planted in the field.
In 2017, the Ellepot system has been put into operation to produce seedlings of good quality without coiling. Currently, about twenty thousand Ellepot seedlings can be produced, and production capacity is expected to increase gradually.
After rooting with rooting cells, only specimens with a healthy root system are planted in the containers to improve the quality of the seedlings. We have a developedOasis cell, which is 40 times cheaper than a conventional rooting cell, in collaboration with research department, and it is in use now.